Introduction to iPhone Basics
with BoomerTECH Adventures
This is a self-paced, online course.
The vast majority of iPhone users rarely access all of the available iPhone features. In this course, learn to use your iPhone to the best possible advantage. Some critical features covered include Apple ID and password; structure of the iPhone (buttons and how they work); best apps to have and how to get them; how to text, phone, FaceTime, and email; how to use the Control Center; mastering Settings; updating operating systems; using key apps; and more. An additional session will include iOS 15 updates and the unique features of the newest iPhones (iPhone 12 & 13).
Open Enrollment - take it when you want! These classes are online/videos, on demand so once you register for it, you can watch it as much as you'd like!
BoomerTECH Adventures helps Boomers and Seniors create, connect, and contribute using today’s technology. These courses are fully asynchronous, online courses that students complete on their own time and at your own speed. Each course is a PDF booklet with information about the class, instructions on using the class, and the content of the class (videos and articles). The instructors provide personalized support for the class via email and/or online chat.
Online Class
For more info, call us at 207-288-4703