Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
with Craig Coffman
This is an online, live class.
In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade togive you years of musical enjoyment. Learn to play piano theway professionals do-using chords. The chord method is LOTSof fun and dramatically easier to learn than reading notes. Feeincludes the online book, online follow up lessons, a recordingof the class and also an optional periodic question and answersession. Class is held online using zoom and is partly hands oninstruction and partly lecture demonstration.
Craig Coffman is an experienced piano and guitar instructor, professional pianist and music director. He has over 30 years’ experience teaching piano privately. His piano and guitar seminars, offered through Community Colleges and Community Education Programs, have been attended by over 30,000 students throughout Arizona, Minnesota and the United States over the last 27 years. He has a degree in Sociology from Illinois Wesleyan University in Illinois (where he also studied piano) and a Master of Divinity degree from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.
Mar 31st, 2025
Mon for 1 week from 6:30 - 9:30 pm
Online Class
For more info, call us at 207-288-4703