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Exercise & Outdoor Fun
in Lifelong Learning
Tai Yoga
with Michelle Spencer
This is a live, online class via Zoom.
A practice that will involve a series of slow, rhythmic movements and physical postures, meditation, controlled, breathing, stretching, and strength for the mind and body. This class is a combination of tai chi, traditional yoga, and qi gong.
May 6, 12, 19, June 3, 10, 17
Stress Reduction & Relaxation with Therapeutic Yoga
with Michelle Spencer
This is a live, online class via Zoom.
This 60 minute yoga practice will provide sequences that calm the nervous system, along with stretching and warming the muscles while preparing the mind to rest. Breathing techniques, short meditation and positive affirmations will end the practice
May 6, 12, 19, June 3, 10, 17